Natural Gas Generators & Propane Generators The fuel of choice
Natural Gas Generators Natural gas is an excellent fuel for a home standby generator system, when it is available. Natural gas is safe and reliable since the fuel is delivered to your home through an underground distribution system, and therefore not usually subject to the storm damage that knocks out your electric service. Natural gas generators are always the first choice when natural gas is available. The primary consideration with natural gas is to ensure that your fuel line and gas meter are adequate to meet the needs of your natural gas generator and other gas appliances.
Propane Generators When natural gas is not available propane (LP Gas) is the fuel of choice for home standby generators. Propane gas is safe and stored as a liquid in a propane tank. When it is needed it is pulled as a vapor gas off the upper portion of your tank for your home and your propane generator. Propane service is established by either owning your own tank or renting one from a propane supplier. The advantages of owning your tank is that you can purchase propane from any supplier. If you rent your tank you are limited to the tank provider. The primary consideration with propane is ensuring adequate size tank for storage to meet your expected needs.